Being You – #sol15

As we pulled into the grocery store parking lot, I announced that I would not be cooking dinner tonight.  I offered Qdoba, but my daughter replied, “I’ll cook if you’ll show me how.” Forty-five minutes later she took it one step further:  “Tonight, I’ll be the mom and you can be the kid.”   I hear…

Space Made – #sol15

It’s always been about Making Space. Space in every day to write. Space on the desk beneath the picture window, Space in my notebook on the right and left sides. Space in the Dandelion fields for my “Love Story.” Space in my mind:  For telling the story of how Journey lets me know my dad is with…

Blog “Spine” Poetry – #sol15

It’s always been about making space. Thank you, Deborah, your “A Writer Reawakened” inspired my own look back. Thank you, Two Writing Teachers for lighting the fires for so many of us this spring through the 2015 Slice of Life Challenge.

The Laughter of Generations – #sol15

You played games with me when I was little and Now I look at yours; I played games with them when they were little. Now they look at mine; They’ll talk games with her while she is little. Someday we’ll look at theirs. We’ll surround them with The laughter of generations.   I’m participating in the…

I Get it Now- #sol15

“I can’t talk to you while you’re bouncing,”  I tell my daughter.  She sits across the living room from me atop my grey balance ball.  In my head, I rattle off the other things that are hard for me to watch her do: spin, jump, twirl and any other variation of the same innocent moves.  Her personal…

Breakfast Cookies – #sol15

You called them Breakfast Cookies. Maybe it was the three cups of oats. Maybe it was the cinnamon and raisins like in my favorite morning toast. Maybe it was the way they went perfectly with a fresh cup of coffee. Maybe it was that she made them just for you, the perfect reason to stay a few extra…

Girl Talk – #sol15

Voices reach me from the room next door: “You just need a diamond sword; that’s all you need,” Cee says. Without turning around, I can hear the clicks of their thumbs moving furiously on the controls as they attempt to defeat the Ender Dragon. “Where are you?” Em asks. “Come toward the white thing.  Help me get these.”…

Frozen in Time – #sol15

If you had come to my daughter’s first birthday, you would probably remember the bed in the living room. Yes, we were in the middle of a vast remodel of our home, which at that time, was little over four years old itself. You would also likely remember that our basement, like so many in…

Sinko-de-Marcho – #sol15

Yesterday was Sinko-de-Marcho.  A day of celebration.  A day that–over forty years ago–brought together two of my favorite people.  I’ve heard this story since I was little and have created their whole world in my imagination: He was a bachelor living in an apartment with his best friend.  She was hanging out with his best friend….

Second Thoughts – #sol15

I did something this weekend that I am not proud of. I saw a post on Facebook in one of the groups for our neighborhood. It said, [A little background: we live just off Highway “285”, about 10 miles past “Shaffer’s Crossing” and “another four hours” would more than quadruple my husband’s commute home.] My first…