Space Made – #sol15

It’s always been about Making Space.

Space in every day to write.

Space on the desk beneath the picture window,

Space in my notebook on the right and left sides.

Space in the Dandelion fields for my “Love Story.”

Space in my mind:  For telling the story of how Journey lets me know my dad is with me, even when it’s only intro’ing the March madness scores on the Classic Rock station.  Space for describing how she watches YouTube, with just a tiny alley between her nose and the screen. Space for seeing the story in the citizen award that wafts out of the freezer during dinner prep. Space for capturing conversations about choice and authenticity.  And that was only today!

For the stories that have been locked inside and those that have yet to be lived, I am Making Space.

slice of life challengeI’m participating in the 2015 Slice of Life Challenge over at Two Writing Teachers.  One day left in this year’s daily challenge, but join me as I join them in slicing every Tuesday all year long.

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