Little Things

In the little things:

A text that pairs Thursday with root beer floats.

A post about the things we may not have loved, but for the person we shared them with.

A Snapchat photo bomb.

You might as well be standing here right now.

Except that if you were here, you’d be over there right now.

Singing “Happy Birthday” and swinging them around upside-down by their ankles.

Smiling from ear to ear as you compete to see who has the longest tongue, clear to everyone in the room how that particular trait made its way down that particular branch of the tree.

And I might still be here at home, on the mend from a cold that likes to appear in the first weeks of March.

But you’d be there.

In your brown boots that you save for special occasions.

In a button-down shirt with the cuffs rolled up.

With a joy that would light up the whole room.

With a ring on your finger and your hand in hers.

It’s almost possible to imagine it from where I sit.


You might as well be there right now.

Of course you are.

In the little things.

5 Comments Add yours

  1. eddiehren says:

    I promise this will be the most beautiful thing I read or have read in a long while. You pay tribute to ache in a way that makes a reader fully realize how deserving that tribute is. Thank you for this.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Morgan says:

      Thank you! I started out with a very different post, one that explicitly called out the ache, but found my way to this reality and I am better for it. Thanks for reading!


  2. I have a hard time putting into words the ache that I feel so often. You did it so beautifully. I can’t stop reading this post.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Morgan says:

      Thank you! I didn’t know how it was going to come out and had it not been for a few tech glitches that let me clear my vision, it likely would have been very different. One of the things I love about slicing!


  3. I am reading this on Sunday, but I am so glad I did. Your layout is beautiful and your tribute more so. I am touched because I get it.

    Liked by 1 person

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