The Way the Wind Blows

“Windy Point Transportation, how may I direct your call?”

I’m not sure how she so often manages to call me as I crest the halfway point to the city on my drive into work.  When she does, this is how I answer, in my best nasal phone-operator voice.

“Hello, yes, I’d like to speak with Morgan Davis, please.”

“I’ll put you right through.”

I juggle the turns and toggle the volume and chat with my girl as the miles pass between us.  She asks what I’ve got to do today.  I ask what Specials she has.  She asks what time I’ll pick her up. I ask if she’s ready to head out the door.  She asks if I’m running late. I ask if she remembered to pack her books or her homework.

She promises to call at least one more time.  I promise to answer.

We chat again along about the ten-minutes-from-work mark and we run through any of the same questions that were forgotten earlier. I tell her how the weather is.  She tells me what the dogs are up to.  I tell her how beautiful the sky looks. She tells me what her dad is doing.  I tell her how the traffic is. She tells me to have a great day. I tell her the same.  We share at least a dozen “I love you”s.

Then we hang up.

I turn the music back on and put both hands to the wheel.

Moments later, a single chime.  That’s the first text:


A second goes by; another chime sounds.  That’s the second text:

Screenshot_2018-03-05-18-22-42 (1)

As I pull into work, I let her know I am safe.  As she leaves for school, she lets me know that I’m loved.

I am participating in the 11th annual Slice of Life Story Challenge (#SOLSC18) hosted by Two Writing Teachers.  We write each day in March as part of an international writing community.  I appreciate any comments, especially those thatslice of life challenge

  • reinforce writing decisions that work and
  • coach into those that don’t.

Think of each comment you leave as a little writing conference we are having together. Come on, make me a better writer today! Thank you!

8 Comments Add yours

  1. What sweet, precious moments to hold dear! Is this a daily occurrence? If so, I am jealous. Thanks for sharing this little slice of love.


    1. Morgan says:

      Every morning! I’ll cherish it while it lasts!


  2. Array says:

    Such a sweet slice and so beautifully written. Sounds like a sweet, thoughtful girl you have!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh, this morning tradition is really adorable. I’m thrilled you preserved it as a slice of life story!


  4. You know what I loved about this? The meter that seemed to follow the rhythm of a break/accelerator pattern. Stop/go, stop/go. Loved feeling like I got a peek at your conversation. Very sweet.


    1. Morgan says:

      Interesting observation! I hadn’t noticed; it makes me smile how when writing leaves us, it takes on a story of its own!


  5. Ash Hickey says:

    That girl of yours… She’s a joy.

    Liked by 1 person

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