All Hands In

We’re all on the same team, right? We all want what is best for our children, for our futures, for our lives—however short they might seem—on this planet.  Right?  The doctors, the lawyers, the politicians, the teachers, the everyone in and around and between.  So why do I get the feeling that we are competing?  That we are vying for the title of the most, the greatest, the best? Or—if nothing else—the not yours, not ours, not anyone else’s?  The mine.  Did it start because we labeled our school supplies when we were kids, labeled them and then took notice of who had the Crayolas and who had the generics? Did that metamorphose into the endless stream of food pics that show us who “gets it” and who doesn’t?

Is this competitive life spirit the result of putting too much of ourselves out into the world?  Or too little?

I think we know the answer.  Because when I look across the table, I want nothing more for you than the best for your children, for your future, for your life. That doesn’t make me less or my life less valuable.  I don’t even expect the same in return.  What I want you to notice is that this is a game I am not playing against you.  I’m on your team.  The giant symbol on our jerseys is one for humanity.

I don’t aim to be better or more or greater.  I just aim to give you my best, my most, my greatest so that we might make this world a better place.

So watch as I strip the labels off all my crayons.  Watch as I like every single one of your pics whether it has food in it or not.  Watch as I stand in the middle of the field and put my hand in for our rally cheer.  Won’t you please put your hand on mine? We’re all on the same team, after all.

4 Comments Add yours

  1. mkrueger says:

    What a great post! I often feel the same way – I don’t know why life seems so competitive. That is a great reminder that we have to make conscious efforts to show people we are on their side.


  2. failingreatly says:

    I often think about how we are always trying to be the “best”. We can’t. Let’s give each other credit for trying. It reminds me of how Finland reformed their schools with a focus on cooperation and collaboration, rather than competition. We can all lift each other up. Let’s not tear each other down. Great post.


  3. Powerful post. I couldn’t agree more, I often reflect on how comparative we’ve become as a culture, as if life is a zero-sum game. If I have more happiness that must mean you have less. I wish we could understand that life doesn’t work that way!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I really loved your Slice for today. I wish more people had the growth mindset that you so ardently expressed. I especially connected with your lines, “Is this competitive life spirit the result of putting too much of ourselves out into the world? Or too little?” and “Because when I look across the table, I want nothing more for you than the best for your children, for your future, for your life. That doesn’t make me less or my life less valuable. I don’t even expect the same in return. What I want you to notice is that this is a game I am not playing against you. I’m on your team. The giant symbol on our jerseys is one for humanity.”
    Thank you!

    Liked by 1 person

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