Never Say Never

“I would never do that. In ten million years, I would never do that.” This was Sam Bennett’s response to my decision to teach a few minilessons in a recent round of learning labs. You can hear this and more as part of this week’s release of Olivia Wahl’s Schoolutions podcast: This moment, along with…

New Course: Architects of Understanding

“Why would I?” I was talking to a teacher who is a few years into her career and encouraging her to register for our state reading conference when she asked me this question. “What do you mean?” “Why would I go and learn about other practices when I just have to come back here and…

Finding Our Way

If ever I needed a reminder that I am in the right place, working with the right people, all I have to do is listen to the way teachers talk about writing these days: “There just doesn’t seem to be a lot of writing,” they tell me.  “There isn’t time to set up my workshop.”…

Downdraft (v.)

“A friend of mine says that the first draft is the down draft—you just get it down.” Anne Lamott in Bird by Bird (p. 25) Many of us are probably familiar with Anne Lamott or at least her concept of the down draft. (You might even know that she refers to it using a four-letter…

A Lifetime

A lifetime has gone by since you went away, or at least that’s how it seems. My hair was still straight, I drove a truck just like yours, and I had yet to hold our sweet girl. She hadn’t taken a single breath, hadn’t skipped crawling to get to walking, hadn’t said her first word…

Only in Colorado

Only in Colorado can you shovel out from a two-day two-foot snowstorm in a tank top and snowpants. Only to throw your sweatshirt back on the minute the sun goes behind the trees. Can you watch as snow falls off the roof in curls and sheets. Only to cover the path you cleared with blocks…


“The last time it snowed this much, it was Spring Break of my first year of teaching.” “That was, what? 2003?” “Yep.” I don’t remember lifting a snow shovel. What I do remember was sitting in the overstuffed, secondhand leather chair. Under a blanket. With a book in hand. I remember the book. I read…

New Neighbors

They usually meet off in the distance, a staff meeting of sorts. Among magpies. They squawk and carry on at this time of the morning. Every morning. Only today, an hour earlier according to the clock. Also today, they’ve had a change in venue. Or maybe they’re expanding, setting up franchises throughout the neighborhood. Because…

Snow Boots and Coffee Tables

There are exactly three coffee tables in this room. One where it should be, waiting to catch my feet after I take off my boots. My snow boots. The ones caked in Pacific beach sand. Only I won’t sit there. On the sheet covering the cushion. It’s too cold in this room, and it’s snowing…

Best of Friends

Episode 1: The One Where We Say Good-bye in the Salon Parking Lot Episode 2: The One Where You Ask Me to Text You Everything Episode 3: The One Where We Park at the Airport Episode 4: The One Where We Eat Airport Pizza Episode 5: The One Where Our Flight Boards Before the One…